Product Introduction


How to wear

Unrestricted by mask sizes, our bracket’s magnetized

design allows for quick and easy wear.

Even with magnets removed, the bracket itself can

still be placed on the inside of your mask and not slip.

Magnetized pads can be added with your preferred scents,

no more of that musty saliva.


In an era where we must coexist with viruses, with no end to mask-wearing in sight, we made the tedious task of “mask-wearing” a comfortable daily routine.

Using raw intuition, we created a better lifestyle for you and me. An idea has made life so incredibly EASY!

Every time a JUNSIH mask bracket is needed ——
  • A long day at work
  • Speaking frequently
  • Drowning in sweat exercising
  • Saliva and runny makeup

5 main reasons

why you need this bracket
High Quality
Soft, Elastic,
and Portable

Increased breathability

to use

Suitable for all face masks

Reduced skin contact

Increased breathability

breathe without stuffiness

Just Easy’s ergonomic 3D mask bracket allows you to breathe more freely even while exercising, jogging.

Magnetized pads

included for your preferred scents. So long, smelly saliva

Magnetized pads allow adding your favorite scents. Comfy protection with therapy of body & mind!
Why not add perfume or your favorite essential oils to spice up your mask?
Make sure to dilute essential oils with 75% alcohol before use, and apply sparingly so as to not reduce magnetization. Bracket can be cleaned using soap, body lotion or water. It can also be disinfected with alcohol.

Food-grade silicone imported from Japan

Non-toxic, eco-friendly

Made using supple food-grade silicone complemented with SGS safety standard certified swappable PP (polypropylene) non-woven fabric, Just Easy can be reused, guaranteeing its advanced air-filtration.
Whenever your bracket requires cleaning, wipe with a damp cloth and avoid the washer and dryer, as high temperatures will damage the magnets.

Solid construction

retains shape no matter how you “fold”, “wear”, “remove”, or “wash” it

Just Easy is portable and easy to store! The remarkably soft and lightweight bracket is easy to use.

It can be washed with water and neutral detergents, dry in cool place after washing.
Do not wipe using tissues or towels as they will leave fibers. The ease of cleaning and repeatable use put our users at ease.

Magnetized design

easy to wear, remove

Using neodymium magnets (NDFeB) and stainless steel magnetic discs, walk, jog, do whatever with your mask on and it will stay on.

Reduced mask marks

prolonged wear without the fuss

Bracket is constructed using food-grade silicone, allowing skin-friendly contact and coverage, reduces discomfort and mask marks.
No matter where you go, Just Easy mask bracket will always ensure distance between mask and face, protecting you and those around you, while avoiding skin rash or irritation.

When to use

Suitable whenever, wherever needed






Consumers’ Feedback on Market Mask Brackets:

Pros & Cons of Regular Mask Brackets

  • XDrop easily
  • XExpose mask reducing protection
  • XHard to store
  • XLeave mask marks easily
  • XUncomfortable after extensive use
  • XStrong plastic smell
  • XAbrasive
  • XHard to wear/remove
  • XStain easily, unwashable
  • OBreathable even after prolonged use
  • ODo not stain easily
  • OReduced saliva odor
  • OInexpensive and disposable

Pros+ Without the Cons =

Just Easy Mask Bracket by JUNSIH

  • Reusable and eco-friendly
  • Does not stain or ruin makeup
  • Magnetized pads for adding scents
  • Non-abrasive, reduces mask marks
  • Drawstring bag for storage, collapsible
  • Matte black finish, no yellowing
  • Easy to wear, hard to drop
  • Odorless food-grade silicone
  • Secures mask with full coverage
  • Breathe easy without stuffiness

JUNSIH aims to please

ideas for quality of life
Our 5 main commitments:

  • Bracket uses Japanese food-grade silicone

    Skin-friendly, reduces discomfort and mask marks

  • 100% Secure

    Secure even after extensive use and conversations. Breathable

  • FUN

    Magnetized pads for adding your own scents, offering comfy therapeutic protection

  • Eco-friendly

    Save the Earth! Our brackets are degradable and recyclable

  • Satin drawstring bag

    A bag silky-smooth to the touch marked with our logo. Fashion is more than just lip service


We have acquired three main certifications, wear with confidence!

Product Specifications

Japanese materials, Made in Taiwan, 100% safe

  • Dimensions
    100mm x 95mm x 35mm
  • Color
  • Materials (Bracket)
    Food-grade silicone
  • Materials (Magnets)
  • Materials (Pads)
    Non-woven polypropylene (PP)

Core Values

Added Touch

A small refinement makes leaps and bounds, giving peace of mind.


Using German GS certified food-grade silicone imported from Japan, our products are fully degradable, a win-win for you and Mother Nature.


Easy to wear, portable, reusable, easy to clean, simplified to alleviate daily woes.


There’s “outside” and there’s “inside”. Our quality designs enrich your life.